Whether you’re a full-time business owner or a side hustler, imagine where your business could be if you finally showed up the way you wanted to…

Oh sure, you have the website. The Canva subscription. The social media templates and scheduling platform. 

You have some money coming in, even though you’re definitely looking to expand your reach and grow your business.

You might even have a networking group or two that you attend virtually or IRL.

And while you’re spending time on marketing tasks or client work or “procrastiplanning” (as one of my clients recently defined planning-that’s-actually-procrastinating), things are just not clicking the way you want them to.

Maaaaaaaybe it’s because you haven’t been able to regularly…

  • prioritize your business goals 

  • do the important work you’ve been avoiding

  • collect and review your business data

  • set quarterly focus points

  • acknowledge yourself and the progress you have been making

  • have honest discussions about being an authentic business owner in 2023

You don’t have to be a highly-productive, hustle-harder robot to make this happen. You just need…

structures, prompts, and touchpoints to take your own work from the bottom of the priority pile up towards the top

guidance from a business coach and entrepreneur who’s been doing this work with creatives like you for 15 years

… a community of other smart, supportive, resourceful, kind, likeminded female business owners just like you

Show Up Squad 🤸🏼‍♀️

Show Up Squad 🤸🏼‍♀️

Show Up Squad is a year-long program/accountability group/community that helps you set, work through, and complete your business goals!

“Invaluable resources for building my business”

“Show Up Squad has provided invaluable resources for building my business. Being part of a community of like-minded entrepreneurs is a fantastic foundation for me, and I have benefited greatly from the connections I’ve made. The weekly networking and co-working events have aided my accountability, and the YAY Business Planner keeps me on track. I absolutely love Show Up Squad!”

Aisha Irvis, Cheerful Archer 

“GREAT VALUE and it’s only been a few months”

"I have gotten GREAT VALUE and its only been a few months! I’ve met some wonderful people and I am building meaningful relationships personally and professionally. Michelle is a trailblazer and a super special woman. I am grateful to be connected to her to receive safe wisdom and tools for my business. Thank you Michelle for holding such a space for people like me who are ready to accept the challenge to Show Up!!! "

April Jett, April Jett

You’ll get 365 days of access to:

  • Monday Planning Parties

    If you struggle with putting butt in seat so you can mindfully plan your big goals + tasks each week - I got you! These 30-minute calls are exactly how you want to kick off your week - with setting your weekly agenda and being in community. Join live when you can or use the recordings to body double!

  • Weekly Coworking or Conversation calls

    On Thursdays, we come together for Co-working or Conversation (your choice!). This is where the community is built, the hive mind gets elevated, and you walk away knowing you’re not alone!

  • Monthly Plan + Review calls

    Drop in to this 2-hour call so you can plan the month to come and review the month that just passed. You’ll be amazed at how well this simple practice keeps you in the driver’s seat of your business!

  • Monthly networking calls

    Get ready to find your future clients, collaborators, business besties and accountabilibuddies! This is also a great way to practice your elevator pitch and some vulnerability, since you’ll be asked to share an acknowledgment and ask the group for whatever you might need.

  • Monthly Learning Labs

    Each month is a new topic to learn about! We’ll start with a lesson up top followed by plenty of time to ask questions, request feedback and brainstorm together! I’ll be bringing in guest speakers, too, so we can utliize the experts and expand our knowledge.

  • A private community site *off* Facebook

    Coupling our calls with a private Mighty Network group (yup, no Facebook nonsense here!), you always have a place for your questions, vents, wins, resource shares, accountability needs and more - and you won't have to wait more than 48 business hours to receive a response from yours truly.⁠

  • BIPOC support from Business Coach vp wright

    This is where non-white Squad members can bring their business experiences, challenges and goals as it relates to their identity and be met where they are as well as seen and supported. vee leads this group within a private space in our community and on a monthly coaching call.

  • The Show Up Squad Library

    These 16 lessons - and growing! - will walk you through Collaborations, Consultation Calls, Content + Social Media Strategy, Inquiry Responses, Launching, List Growth (+ Opt-ins), Money Stuff, Networking Groups, Newsletters, Nurturing Sequences, Creating Your Offer, Pitching, Systems, Testimonials, Making Videos & Elevating Your Website. Download them to your own computer for forever-access and always have them at your fingertips.

  • The YAY! Business Planner (digital AND tangible!)

    While you’ll be able to access the digital, fillable-PDF file anytime, you’ll also receive the 6x9, sprial-bound version to your home within a couple weeks of joining! This 298-page, black-and-white, 12-month, undated planner will help you plan and review for each, month, week and quarter while also offering calendar pages, goal setting prompts, business handbook prompts, quarterly focus points, trackers for your stats + money + marketing efforts & coloring pages (!) too.

  • Pajama Planning Day

    Hey VIP! In addition to getting the $40 YAY! Biz Planner for nada, you’ll also get free admission to the 7th annual Pajama Planning Day - a $57+ savings! Join us virtually on December 9th for 5 clarifying, nourishing & empowering hours of 2023 reviewing & 2024 planning - in your pajamas & in inspiring community.

  • An accountabilibuddy

    I’m currently beta testing an accountabilibuddies system, where - if you choose - you’ll be matched with an accountability buddy (get it?). Request one anytime and I’ll do all I can to find you a great Squad member fit. Ooh, the Jewish mother in me loves playing matchmaker like this!

  • Your biz listed in my Referral Guide

    Looking for more eyeballs and/or more aligned clients (or customers!) for your biz? My Referral Guide will help you with both! Let me know where you want to be listed and you’ll be added and linked up within a business day or two.

If you're ready to move the needle in your business like never before - without hustling harder, burning out, or pushing through - then register now and start *today*!

“Learning to be an entrepreneur”

I'm learning to be an entrepreneur here. With Show Up Squad, I've learned to focus - and appreciate - business planning. I love that it is perfectly perfect to show up as I am on our calls. I feel Michelle is incredibly attuned to the group of entrepreneurs she’s attracted, and I also highly honor her personal and business commitment to DEI. I look forward to renewing my membership!

Bettina Marie Jones, Bettina M Jones

“The structure to plan & review my business properly”

"Show Up Squad has given me the structure to plan & review my business properly. It's a simple format -- not overwhelming. The people are great networking for me, and the coworking and planning makes me more effective as a self-employed person. The connections to other entrepreneurs are key to me meeting my business goals."

May Flam, May Flam

“Personal accountability in a fun and productive community”

"Show Up Squad gives me personal accountability within the context of a fun and productive community. The tone of SUS is just right for me. It supports me to be myself, and honor my plans. AND, there is lots of encouragement and support."

Jsahna Simmons, Doc Simmons

Take a tour 🧚🏾

Take a tour 🧚🏾


🚫 you only want very specific marketing help, like the nitty gritty details of SEO or step-by-step instructions on how to create a Facebook ad

🚫 you’re self-sufficient when it comes to planning, reviewing and showing up for your business

🚫 you’re looking to work with a business coach 1:1 

🚫 your business doors aren’t open yet, or you don’t have a project to apply this to

🚫 you have an easy time setting and prioritizing your business goals

🚫 you’re consistently vulnerable and visible with your business


👍 you need help supplementing the other course(s) you’re enrolled in so you can actually get the work done 

👍 you’re excited to be part of a supportive and diverse community with likeminded entrepreneurs 

👍 you want to make proactive business decisions instead of reactive ones

👍 you know that being held accountable is a game changer for you in following through

👍 you prioritize inclusive, authentic, and people-first business practices

👍 you’re ready to commit to prioritizing your own business building over the next 365 days


Ready to (finally) show up for yourself and your business? Join the Squad today!

  • Be held accountable for what you what to accomplish

  • Have a higher follow-through rate than ever before

  • Feel less burnout and overwhelm, working intentionally to reach your goals 

  • Have a monthly habit of reviewing and planning for your business, which allows you to move forward with your tasks and goals with purpose, focus and intention

  • More comfortably talk to others about what you do, since you’ve had lots more practice

  • Have a space to set - and report on - your focus points, celebrate your wins, ask for resources, spark conversations, and more

  • Know the feeling of being part of a community of likeminded creatives who you can go to with questions, challenges and support

  • Use a business planner that asks the important, impactful questions for both your work *and* your life

  • Feel way more comfortable with being uncomfortable, since you've practiced vulnerability around your business and thrived!

Can you imagine that - for an entire year - you could:

Instead of spending days marking off To Do lists that feel meaningless, Show Up Squad will help you first set your focus and then follow through on what’s most important.

You'll be moving the needle on what matters most.

You’ll be working on your business, not in it.

You’ll say “no” with more regularity on what isn’t a good fit -and proactively go for what you want in your business.

You’ll know if something that comes your way is the “opportunity” that it may seem.

Every week, you'll join the Monday Planning Party to set your tasks for the week and get inspired + connected. You'll know how to prioritize and exactly what to work on when it’s business time. 

Every month, you'll review what worked (and what didn't!) and set goals for the next month on our Plan & Review call. You’ll also jump on a networking call to talk about what you do, what you need, and what you’ve accomplished while meeting other incredible entrepreneurs - while the Learning Lab will give you the lessons and talkbacks you need to grow.

Every quarter, you’ll set focus points around your personal life, your self-care, what you’re selling and what you’re marketing - because our businesses need to reflect what’s going on in our lives and be planned accordingly.

In December, you’ll have Pajama Planning Day to review (and celebrate!) the yearwhile (lightly!) planning for the next.

For a whole year, you’ll have a place to go and people who are here to help you with your questions, challenges and struggles.

And if you’re a BIPOC Squad member, you’ll have a private community & monthly call for a safer space to work through the identity challenges that come with entrepreneurship.

“Everyone is friendly, open and willing to help”

"The group feels like a carefully curated group of amazing people with open hearts that hold safe spaces for everyone. Love the energy, the openness and ease Michelle & Meg have with running the group. It's like they're born to do this! Everyone is friendly, open and willing to help. I would recommend Show Up Squad without hesitation. 10/10!"

Lara Gwyn, Lara Gwyn Wellness

“My first co-working call was a revelation”

"The first Show Up Squad co-working call was a revelation. The energy was so needed over zoom and so welcomed for a person who works on her own 99% of the day! The authenticity shines through too. I love it here most because of the accountability, fun people, and the relaxed environment. So glad I signed up!"

Jess Shevitz Rauch, The Giving Project-VT

“Loving the active community and connections”

"I am loving the active community, and LOVING the connections I have been making. You attract the best people, Michelle. I'm so glad I get to share in it!"

Brittany Tam,  The Financially Empowered Entrepreneur

If you know you’re ready to continuously show up in (and for!) your business…

….and connecting to a community of kind, smart, supportive, resourceful creatives feels like a joy…

…and this is all speaking to you…

Then join us today!

I’ve already said a lot, but here’s what I need to make sure you know…

I know that you’re waiting for hours of free time to fall from the sky so you can work on your business instead of in it.

I know that just focusing on marketing work isn’t getting you where you want to go.

I know that the people around you don’t quite understand your business struggles.

I know that time and project management has been super tough to manage.

I know that you’re not having much fun with, well, most of it.

And I know the goodness that can happen when you focus simply on showing up and doing the work that you’ve laid out for yourself - and do it in community.

Let's aim for Imperfect and Done together, over and over again.

Together, you’ll prioritize your To Dos based on what's impactful for yourself and your business every week, month, and quarter.

Together, you'll stop overthinking and hiding and start showing up and doing.

Together, you’ll build habits and structures that will serve you in your business for years to come.

Together, you'll keep your Nancy Drew hat on while reviewing and planning your business goals on the regular - so you start seeing things as experiments, not “failures” or “successes”.

Together, you'll be in community with likeminded creatives who have the same business challenges and goals that you’re facing.

Together, we'll handle whatever comes up along the way for an entire year.


 FAQs about SUS:

  • If you know you need some external support for continuous planning, continuous reviewing, continuous focusing, continuous follow through…and you want to be connected to likeminded kind, smart, supportive, resourceful new-ish entrepreneurial women…and you dig my vibe…this is for you!

  • Because the results will be soooooo much better than if this was a month-to-month membership. And it’s always about the results.

  • I don't offer any full or partial refunds at any point before, during or after the program. When you make the commitment to Show Up Squad, you make the commitment to pay for the entire year whether you're able to do all the work or not. The good news is that your show-up rate tends to skyrocket when you put your time, energy, and money behind your goal...and that the call recordings and custom worksheets are something you own forever and can come back to at any time.

  • Thursdays will be our Coworking or Conversation call - and you can choose what you want to do week-to-week. If it’s the former, you’ll come with whatever work you want to move the needle on and I’ll put you in a breakout room with other working Launchers like you. If it’s the latter, I’ll give you prompts and put you in a few different breakout rooms so you can connect further with your fellow Launchers and get support, insight, and camaraderie. And who knows? In these calls, you might find your next collaborator, or client, or referral, or accountability partner, or mastermind group!

    Our open Q&A calls happen the 4th Tuesday of every month, where you submit anything business-related that’s on your mind. While I’m there to give my take and thoughts on anything - I’m always the first one to offer my response - your fellow Squad members are also there to chime in, give resources , offer support, etc. This is where the beauty of the hivemind really shines through!

    Monthly Plan + Review calls are 2-hour drop-in windows the first weekday of each month. Bring your YAY Business Planner (and your colored pens, stickers and washi tape if you’re like me!) and see the magic that happens from making time to intentionally set your business goals.

    Then, once a month, there’s a BIPOC-only call with vp wright, a business coach who is Black. This is a safer, inclusive space to talk about any challenges or concerns you’re experiencing as a woman of color that relates to entrepreneurship. Because of vee’s work schedule, there isn’t a standing date for these calls, but they are scheduled and posted at least 3 weeks in advance.

    An FYI that I move the times around between 10am-6pm Eastern for each call to better accommodate all time zones (and avoid the dreaded “But I can never do Tuesdays at 3pm!). There's a handy-dandy add-to-calendar link when you're inside so they can get on your calendar in a snap.

  • Absolutely! We have a mix of business owners here, all with the common goal to start - and keep! - showing up as entrepreneurs in a more effective way.

  • Honestly, what matters more than how long you've been in business is the results that you're getting (or not getting, really). If you know you and/or your business has been stagnant, that you've been playing it safe and not putting yourself out there, that you wouldn't know how to prioritize allllll you want to do, then you're most likely a great fit here.

  • Absolutely! That’s a big reason why the price is so low - because while you can do this all on its own (and know you’ll be able to get clear on your yearly, monthly and quarterly goals for a whole year while making new friends and getting the external structure you need to show up and follow through), it can absolutely supplement whatever other learnings you have on tap currently or in the near future.

  • I'm committed to an ongoing anti-racist education, and actively creating and changing policies to reflect all I'm learning. You can learn about my teachings, goals and stats - and read our Community Guidelines & Agreements - right here in my DEI Statement.

    These are posted both in our private Mighty Network group as well as in Kajabi (which houses our call recordings + marketing exercises). In addition, each call begins with the different ways you can report harm, and are posted in the chat twice each call.

    In addition, private, monthly group coaching calls and a private space within our Mighty Network group will be available for my BIPOC clients during the course of this program - led by vp wright, a Business Coach who is Black. This will allow the non-white Squad members a safer and more inclusive space to unpack what you’re going through as an aspiring business owner of color

    To better accommodate the needs of the differently abled, every call has the ability to be closed captioned, and every call recording includes closed captioning as well as a transcript.

  • Yes! I’ve committed to giving full need-based scholarship spots to 10% of my clientele who identify as part of a further marginalized group. If you would like to be considered, please contact me.

  • I’d be happy to help! You can either email it over or book a 20-min no-obligation consult and you’ll get that answer ASAP.

  • You can click here to purchase a year of Show-Up Squad for 12 monthly payments of $60, or else you can save a bit of money and click here to make a lump sum payment of $660. I can’t wait to see you inside!

“Recommended without hesitation”

"I love Michelle's work, I love her resources, I love how I learn and evolve anytime I commit to her spaces. I'd recommend Show Up Squad without hesitation."

Suset Laboy-Perez, A Little Awareness

“Never have I been in a community where the allyship was so strong.”

"I made a few genuine connections thanks to the Squad, and the calls are always really helpful! Never have I been in a community where the allyship was so strong. I love the unconditional support and all the knowledge that is coming together."

Anabell Bender, Anabell Bender

“I get everything I need from Show Up Squad”

"I love that we are welcome, permitted, and encouraged to bring our full selves, including personal life things that impact us beyond just business. So many other groups only allow me to exist as a business owner and I have to pretend to leave the rest of myself outta the conversation. I also love that whatever I post always gets such good direct feedback. No fluff. No dancing around things. We get straight to it, and I really need that. I also love how we cheerlead so hard for each other!! Not just some tiny applause but we really go above and beyond sometimes and that makes me feel seen and special and assures me that I'm in the right place. I've left all my other groups and communities so I can be fully present in this one because this one is the one stop shop. I get everything I need from Show Up Squad and I love that for me."

Alandria Terry, Fireflower Candle Co.

Don't forget!


Don't forget! 🤩

With Show Up Squad, you’ll receive:

  • 365 days of access

  • A private community site *off* Facebook

  • BIPOC support from Business Coach vp wright

  • Weekly Coworking or Conversation calls

  • Weekly Planning Party calls

  • Monthly Plan + Review calls

  • Monthly networking calls

  • Monthly Q&A calls

  • The digital and tangible versions of the YAY! Business Planner

  • The exclusive library of worksheets, swipe files, challenges and more

  • An accountabilibuddy if you so choose!


Brittany Tam, Show Up Squad member

Ready for a year of accountability, community, focus and a skyrocketing get-it-done rate?

This year-long commitment will allow you to form habits that’ll serve you for years to come *without* burning you out. Remember, entrepreneurship is a marathon and not a sprint!