Hello Business is an actively anti-racist company who prioritizes a diverse, equitable and inclusive clientele and culture. 

We all know full well the strength, power and change that happens the more that marginalized people take control of their careers, their finances and their futures. I believe that every creative person regardless of race, ethnicity, or sexual orientation should be given an opportunity to be the CEO they dream of becoming.

That’s why Hello Business gives 10% of its clients need-based scholarships that prioritizes those with marginalized identities.

It’s not enough, though, to just have a diverse clientele or write statements like this. I aim to go beyond performative actions and superficially attracting clients from marginalized communities, because I know the harm it causes otherwise. 

I plan to continue my own anti-racist education via at least 6 books and 1 course or 1:1 sessions with a DEI consultant each year. This is a never ending priority for me both personally and professionally. 


These agreements were crafted with the input of DEI consultant vp wright and are considering a living, breathing document that can and will be continuously updated as the need or inspiration arises.

All of my clients who work within my group spaces agree to the following:

In order to do our best to create a safer and supportive space while practicing vulnerability and courage, we agree…

…there is a Zero Tolerance policy for hate speech. These include - but are not limited to - statements that are racist, sexist, homophobic, or transphobic. Should this occur, you will be contacted and removed from the group immediately. 

microaggressions, tone policing, name calling, gossip and bullying are also not permitted. We understand that people can inflict this without ill intent or awareness. You’ll be contacted via email directly to talk further about it, and reconciliation will be determined from there.

harmful language will be removed from our community space immediately. This includes calling out someone else in the group in a defensive or accusatory way - whether or not you mention them by name. The exchange will be screenshot and filed away, and the persons involved will be contacted immediately for further discussion and action.

…to not speak directly to anyone who has upset or harmed you. In order to minimize harm, talk to me first about anything that has come up before approaching the other party (or the group at large). This could be done via survey (if you'd like it to be anonymous) or a direct email. I drop everything when I see any of these things come through and will contact you ASAP.

…that this is an intersectional space and we are aware that everyone’s experiences are not the same. Please don’t assume that anyone else has the same education, language, lifestyle, communication methods, abilities, privileges, etc. as you do. 

…that this community commits to being an ally towards our marginalized members. If you need further information or education around this, please see the resources on my DEI statement or come to me directly for any help or support.

...to hold everything here in strict confidentiality. Please don’t take any of our conversations, private resources, or discussions out of this group. You also agree not to share your logins or play our call recordings for anyone not a member. 

…to lead with curiosity and the assumption that every interaction comes with the best of intentions. We are encouraged to show up as our messy, imperfect selves, and therefore hold the belief that any feedback, post, or conversation comes from a kind heart and a helpful nature. Please show up with compassionate, encouraging and empathetic energy for yourself and each other.

Please note that anyone who is found in violation of these guidelines will be approached quickly and privately, and could be removed from the program without a refund. I know these are strong words, but everyone here needs to take a strong stance in playing a part to create a braver, safer, authentic space for all involved. If you need additional support or learning surrounding these agreements and terminology, please take the Community Agreements quiz in Kajabi as many times as you wish to test your knowledge.

These agreements were crafted with the input of DEI consultant vp wright and will be continuously updated as the need or inspiration arises. Please leave your thoughts or suggestions below or go through any of the avenues listed above to include whatever you feel is needed.

These guidelines are listed in the program terms that come with their registration, as well as in each private community space and as a lesson within the program itself. Following the lesson, there is an optional quiz they can take to best gage their understanding and absorption of these agreements.

I also want to ensure that my BIPOC clients feel that they can bring in their experiences, challenges and goals to our space and be met where they are as well as seen and supported. I will continue offering them monthly private group coaching sessions with a Black coach as well as a private space within our community while they’re in the program. To ensure the safety of the BIPOC group, I have removed myself from the space and the recordings are only available in their private community.

Currently, vp wright is the guide in these spaces. A master Business Coach, DEI Educator and a super accomplished business human, I was so blown away by my time in her Inclusive Entrepreneur program that I knew she’d be a wonderful fit here.  It’s not surprising that many of my BIPOC clients say this has been one of the highlights of the program, with comments like “vp is a VAULT of info and insight”, “so much inspiration” and “my mind is blown right now”.


It’s my goal to make trans 90 Day Business Launchers feel just as safe as my cisgendered clients.

I have recently made the decision to drop the term “women” to describe who I serve, since I understand that marketing this business in that way might exclude the trans and non-binary community.

To further educate myself, I have worked through Tristan Katz’ Creating Safer Spaces workshop series and plan to continue learning so I can better serve my gender-non-conforming clients.


Just like my clients, there is a Zero Tolerance policy for hate speech and hateful behavior within the Hello Business company culture. If anyone who works for me experiences racism, bullying, microaggressions, tone policing, or the like - from either my clients or other team members - it will be of the highest priority to address and reconcile.

When I need a new hire, I will actively seek BIPOC candidates and make sure they make up at least half of my interviewees. This will be written into the job description itself, and I will post on diverse job boards like the one run by The HBCU Career Center. Furthermore, I will only hire those who have aligned values and priorities to running anti-racist businesses, and will discuss this directly to ensure their commitment.

My aim is to have a safe space for my team to come to work as their full selves, knowing their ideas, experiences and goals are always welcome, appreciated and considered.

While I’m still learning more about creating a diverse, equitable and inclusive work environment, this is my starting point.


Often, disadvantaged people have had less opportunity than those who come from privilege - which is why I’m driven to create equity and prioritize them.

Since the fall of 2020, Hello Business has provided 20 need-based full scholarship spots for creatives with marginalized identities.

I commit to personally funding these scholarship spots for 10% of my clientele, and supplementing any additional spots via any individual contributions.


30% is the minimum when it comes to:

  • BIPOC members of my internal team.

  • The number of BIPOC clients in my programs, with the aim of it being 50% by 2025. 

  • My business expenses going to BIPOC businesses. Whether it’s hiring a new freelancer, buying company gifts or investing in new software, at least 30% of my business charges will be BIPOC-owned. 

  • Saying YES to speaking or partnership opportunities, in terms of the racial makeup of other guests or invitees. If the BIPOC number is not at least 30%, I won’t agree to appear there and - once it’s determined that this would be a welcoming, safe, inclusive space -  I’ll recommend a BIPOC business coach in my place.

  • BIPOC referrals on my shortlist. It’s time to create relationships with non-white copywriters, developers, designers, coaches, and marketers so I can increase the racial makeup of who I recommend.

As of June 19, 2024:

  • my team of freelancers are 75% BIPOC

  • my current clients across all programs are 31% BIPOC

  • my expected BIPOC spend for 2024 is 39%

  • my referral list is currently 29% BIPOC including companies. This is a priority for me to increase.

Even when these percentages technically hit my goals, they are not at all exhaustive or at their maximum. 


  • Being transparent with company goals, actions and data. This page will be updated quarterly with any new information, and it will be sent to my newsletter list biannually.

  • Continuing my anti-racist education on an ongoing basis. Whether it’s consuming media, taking a course or working with a coach or consultant, I commit to continuously educate myself about racism, Black history and white supremacy - and sharing it accordingly, to inform the points above.

  • Running a DEI audit on any business before I give them my money - and updating my DEI audit yearly for those who I already support. I pledge to look into anyone I plan to do business with and check in with the diversity of their leadership team, their DEI initiatives and anti-racist statements. And just because I do that once doesn’t mean I don’t need to check in on it again. This will be a recurring yearly task so I can keep my eyes open as to where - and who! - my money is going.

  • Speaking out and using my privilege to be an Advocate of anti-racism. I will no longer be silent publicly or privately. This is *not* okay and will *not* be tolerated on my social media channels, within my community or in any aspect of my business.

Please know that the door is always open for you to ask me questions, hold me accountable, offer me feedback, and engage me in difficult conversations. I’m here for your referrals and recommendations as well. You can always reach me directly by emailing or DMing me on Instagram @OhHelloBusiness

Very many thanks to vp wright and Hannah Martin for helping me craft this statement and playing such a big role in getting me to this point in my anti-racist journey!