You’ve been working hard on starting your service-based business - but the freebies, Google searches and generic advice just hasn’t been cutting it.

I see you - truly trying to get your business off the ground for months or even years now!

You know what you want to do (even vaguely), but you can't find the words to concisely explain it. Or have it resonate with your right people. Or know how to best deliver or price it.

You signed up for Squarespace (or Wix or Showit), but don’t know what to do with all those templates. And design options. And blank pages where copy should go.

The certification program you graduated from had a “business building” module, but it left you with was a bunch of scattered notes and lots of “what do I do next?” questions.

You’ve collected lots of marketing tools, but it’s led you to think that in order to get clients, you’ll have to do things you just don’t want to do. Like be on Facebook. Or disclose personal details about your life. Or create false urgency.

Or maybe you’ve actually launched a business before - but it fell flat, and you’ve been holding yourself back in case history repeats itself.

So, even though you’re committed to your entrepreneurial future, -you're not making any real progress (even though you’re putting the time in!).

But you need to know…

There's an entrepreneur inside of you, ready for the freedom, meaning, and impact that being a business owner provides. One that allows you to:

  • create your own schedule

  • feel valued day-to-day

  • choose who you get to work with - and what you work on

  • have financial independence

  • be of service to others regularly

  • feel aligned with your values, goals, and priorities

  • show up as your true self

  • build generational wealth

  • do work that feels engaging

  • be your own damn boss!


…“Do I need a niche? And how do I figure it out?”

…“What’s the right first step? And then what do I do next?”

…“Where should I build my website?”

…“What do I do to create a business that’s aligned with my values, ethics and priorities?”

…“How do I market myself without being sleazy?”

…“Do I need to be on Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, TikTok and/or YouTube?”

…“What am I offering and how do I price it in a way that serves both myself and my ideal client?

…“What do I say when someone asks about my business? How do I talk about it?”

…“Could I actually make real money from this? ”


…the overwhelm, procrastination and perfectionism you’ve been experiencing doesn’t keep you in pre-launch mode forever.

…you get clarity on that sweet spot between the business you want to run and what your ideal clients are looking for.

…your business doesn’t require you to compromise your values, priorities and ethics to be successful.

…you have a plan to bring in your first clients that is rooted in relationship-based marketing instead of sleazy, spammy techniques.

…you know exactly where to start - and how to keep making progress, step by step - so that you can open your business doors with pride and confidence.

…you are part of a community of likeminded creatives who are supportive, kind, smart and resourceful - and can become your first networking group of potential clients, referrers, collaborators and friends.


A high-touch, proven group program that gets you to Launch Day - and beyond!







  • “If you ask me to pick a highlight, I’d respond with ‘Literally everything’"

    90 Day Business Launch covered every base - from business idea, concept, pricing, website to marketing. I felt fully prepped when we wrapped. Michelle kept it light and fun while doing the "serious" work of building our life dreams! She was super knowledgeable and smart, full of resources, and was very clear when explaining concepts. I LOVED doing this in community and felt 100% safe on the calls. vp, the Business Coach for our private BIPOC calls, was amazing. I really loved that we had our own space to connect and work through things. 90 Day Business Launch was beyond helpful and valuable for my confidence and my growth as an entrepreneur.

    -Ariane Hunter, My Mentors Circle

  • “I grossed $60k my first full year in business”

    90 Day Business Launch was the best investment I could have ever done. It was the beginning of taking charge of my career and my life on my terms, and I'm so glad I had Michelle by my side; from the idea development, to getting the work done, to my regular freak outs, to finally launching the business. She kindly guided me along the way, and I seriously couldn't have gone through it and launched without her. Michelle is the kind of person that sees through it all and will help you wholeheartedly. I could not recommend her more!

    -Verô Souza, verô

  • “I’m a full-time business owner now”

    90 Day Business Launch gave me my own personal roadmap to get my business started, and to check in on when I felt lost or confused. Since I launched in early 2019, I’ve run classes, worked with 1:1 clients, wrote an ebook, went from charging $27 for a professional bio to $400, and my new coaching rate is $450 an hour. I feel confident every time I need to set up a new product or launch a new round of coaching sessions. I know what I have to do to keep my business healthy, active, and on message. It would have taken years to get where I am now without this program.

    -Suzie McLellan Soloviev, The Narrative Solution

  • “I wrote 8 proposals and have gotten 5 of those jobs!”

    Sure, I started the LLC process and had a name and logo for my Architecture business - but I felt completely lost with lots of questions. Michelle had all the answers, and my 90 Day Business Launch plan along with her guidance gave me the courage and confidence to present myself in the best light to my future clients. I wrote my first major proposal only a month into the program, which Michelle kindly reviewed for me and gave me so much great advice! Having support and encouragement - not feeling alone in this endeavor - was huge. There is so much to know, and you absolutely don't have to do it all yourself! I wish I didn’t put pressure on myself, and just joined sooner!

    -Soledad Mendez, Bellwether Architects PLCC

  • "4 years later, I'm making multiple six-figures"

    I was stuck in a perfectionist mindset. I wanted to do everything in the right order, and it had prevented me from taking action. Also, I was making 6-figures in my 9-5 so there was doubt about how I was going to create that as quickly as possible. This program gave me the confidence that I could create a business that would more than replace my 9-5 income. It offered a safe space to openly discuss getting started. I felt I could be vulnerable and honest and receive the support and encouragement to keep going. 90 Day Business Launch was the catalyst for my business., and now I’m building the strategy for a seven-figure business.

    -Aimee LaLiberte, The Finance Edit

  • “Michelle managed to make me feel like I got 1-on-1 coaching ”

    I’d been part of group programs before that promised a lot but never provided the individualized feedback I hoped for. 90 Day Business Launch is different. I was no longer relying on peer feedback or surface-level feedback on group calls. All the feedback for ME that I was missing in previous programs, I found here. Not only was this experience worth every dollar, it is also worth the time that I put into it. I was able to gain more insight into where I wanted to head in my business, and what I no longer wanted to do. I gained the confidence to create my website myself, and this is truly the first time in the life of my business where I feel like my website speaks to my heart. Michelle is a joy and a miracle.

    -Brittany Tam, The Financially Empowered Entrepreneur

I’m Michelle Ward, & I’ve been a business coach for 15 years

I've helped hundreds of creatives - just like you! - discover, launch their dream businesses since 2008. 

When I decided to become a career coach for creative people back in 2007, I put the wheels in motion to transition out of my job as an Account Manager with a verbally abusive boss who made me psychosomatic. My breaking point was having to run off a rush hour train to dry heave into a trash can at one of the busiest NYC subway platforms… and feeling fine when I was heading home and knew I didn't have to go into work that day. Talk about a wake-up call!

Soon after, I got a "bridge job" as an Executive Assistant so I could get my financial needs met while devoting more time and energy to getting my coaching certification and building my business. It took me two years and seven months to make it happen, but I was able to give notice in March of 2010 (mid-recession!) and become a coach full-time.

I've never come close to having to put my Plan B into motion, and I now have a consistent six-figure business that makes me feel more authentic, valued, and fulfilled day-to-day than I ever have before!



How does the magic happen? With the focused & streamlined…


Start with your fuzzy business idea, and walk through this proven process to start your business and bring in your first clients!

  • Clarify & articulate all the pieces that make up the foundation of your business, including:

    ✔️ who you serve, including their challenges and ideal results

    ✔️your offer(s), including the pricing and onboarding process

    ✔️messaging, including your business name, title, and elevator pitch

    ✔️ marketing plan, including where to start, content ideas and ideas for later

  • This is the easiest way to write your website copy, create your brand and build your Squarespace site! When you have step-by-step lessons and personalized feedback, you’ll not only look and feel professional, but you’ll attract your right clients.

  • Go through the odds & ends checklist and create your announcement so you can open your business doors with pride and be ready for sales and inquiries.

  • You’ve launched! Now what? I’ll give you the playbook on the #1 way to bring in your first clients or customers - no social media or ads needed! Then I’ll walk you through utilizing newsletters (the only consistent marketing channel I’ve been using since 2008, and one that brings in $42 for every $1 spent!) and give you detailed info on 17 (!) marketing ideas for later that have been proven to work now. It’s all about feeling authentic, building relationships, and utilizing marketing tools that feel good for you and your ideal clientele.

And sure, I could have said, "Here's the Head-to-Web Process! Good luck!" and sent you on your way, but I know that won't get you where you need to go. So here’s the support that will get you to launch day & bring in your first clients:

  • 90 days of access

    While we aim to get you launched in 75 days, you’ll have access to the community, calls, and lessons for 90 days from your start date. That way, you’ll (a) have a buffer juuuuuuuust in case you don’t launch exactly in 75 days, & (b) you’ll have time to work through the post-launch Connecting with Clients phase of the program.

  • Step-by-step lessons

    No need to make your schedule work with my availability. The Head-to-Web lessons are autonomous, so you can log in when it’s convenient for you, work through the lesson, mark it complete and go on to the next. You’ll never need to wonder “what’s next?” when it comes to your business launch again.

  • A private community site *off* Facebook

    Coupling our calls with a private Mighty Network group (yup, no Facebook nonsense here!), you always have a place for your questions, vents, wins, resource shares, feedback requests, accountability needs and ongoing support - and you won't have to wait more than 48 business hours to receive a response from yours truly.⁠

  • Twice-weekly group calls

    While you can go into our private community at any time to ask your questions, our Tuesday Q&A calls are the place for us to dig a bit deeper, get more specific coaching, or have more of a dialogue with the group.

    On Thursdays, we meet for Co-working or Conversation (your choice!). This is where the community is built, the hive mind gets elevated, and you walk away knowing you’re not alone!

  • BIPOC support from Business Coach vp wright

    Because I can’t speak to the identity shifts that occur for my clients of color, BIPOC Launchers have a private subgroup + calls with master Business Coach and DEI Educator vp wright so they can be seen and supported. Many of my BIPOC clients say this has been one of the highlights of the program, with comments like “vp is a VAULT of info and insight”, “so much inspiration” and “my mind is blown right now”.

  • A 90 Day Business Launch Planner & other goodies!

    I don’t wanna ruin all the surprises, but keep an eye on your mailbox after you register and fill out your contact form. A 90 Day Business Launch Planner and other fun (and helpful!) goodies will arriving soon!

    And within the program, you’ll get bonuses like vp’s Inclusive Strategies for Your (Coaching) Business workbook and discount codes for other Hello Business offers, yay!

ALSO! ⬇️

ALSO! ⬇️

Make copywriting easy with ChatGPT!

I know you don’t consider yourself a copywriter - and now, you don’t have to be! Using what you’ve already written paired with done-for-you ChatGPT prompts, the first draft of your website copy will be done way quicker & easier than you’d believe! The first Launcher who used it said “It was a complete game changer!”

Get personalized branding feedback from Verô Souza, an accomplished designer!

What would you need to pay to get customized feedback from a brand designer who has a decade of experience and has been featured in Vogue, Forbes, People & more? Nothing - it’s included in 90 Day Business Launch!

Snag a free Squarespace template!

You won’t be staring at a blank slate (or website!) when you’re given this template! Created by yours truly (a Squarespace circle member), it follows our copywriting lessons to the letter. All you need to do is update it with your branding (that you’ve already set), copy and paste your words (that you’ve already written), and customize it as much or as little as you’d like!

Pop the bubbly for a Launch Day celebration!

In 90 days, you'll be live on the web and ready to take a payment from your first client or customer! And with your approval, I'll feature you on my Instagram feed and in my newsletter so you can get thousands of eyes on your business straightaways - just like Quiana here. Get excited!

Forever-free access to my alumni networking group!

The buck doesn't stop when the course ends! You'll immediately be brought into my private alumni networking group space, where you have access to 150+ creative entrepreneurs + our monthly networking calls. It's the easiest place to find resources, potential clients, collaborators and a business bestie.⁠

THE TOTAL PROGRAM VALUE IS $7,600, but you can join us for $350/month for 6 months - or pay $1996 in full.

Want a consultation call first? You can make that happen here.

  • “I was shocked it worked!”

    At the end of 90 Day Business Launch, I had a website ready to be launched, an empty email list ready to be filled and an offer ready to be signed up to. And I got 3 clients that same month! What I hadn't counted on, though, was my new work ethic. I had proven to my inner critic that I could use my limited time and energy to work in very small steps, single parent my kids, work my full time job and still be launch ready. I know that if I hadn't been part of the 90 Day Business Launch I would have given up. I wouldn't have believed it was possible.

    -Lisa Townsend, Change Your Badge

  • “In 3 months I was able to accomplish more than I had in a year ‘preparing’ for my launch”

    I was stuck in a time-consuming job with little direction for how to launch my business successfully. I had attained an LLC and domain name but had not built a website, gone public with my offers, nor received any payment for my services. Because of 90 Day Business Launch, my site and logo are very professional and my public presence is far beyond what I'd accomplish on my own. I needed the community, accountability, and the deadline to achieve my goals. Michelle believed in me. The creatives in the group believed in me. I am now believing in myself more.

    -Jacqualyn Jackson, Investment Inspectors LLC

  • “Two months later, I’ve left my job and secured over $34k in new contracts”

    I was stuck knowing that I was a strong coach, but unsure how to put all the business pieces together. I felt unsure of who I wanted to serve, how to share what I was doing publicly, and lacked confidence in my pricing structure. I gained an intangible amount of confidence in .0 Day Business Launch. So much so that I left my full time job of over 9 years, renegotiated a large coaching contract to better serve me, and got the website monkey off my back. The highlight of the program is the support Michelle gives as you work through the core elements of your plan from who you're going to serve, to how you're going to talk about it, all the way to how you'll get paid for the work you do.

    -Jennifer McDowell, Common Good Coaching

  • "The structure, resources and insights I needed"

    Within the first few weeks I knew this was the right program for me because I was actually making progress. And as an experienced DEI professional, I loved how intentional Michelle was in creating a brave space for her clients and providing clarity on her policy if harm was experienced or witnessed in the space. Her energy, support, empathy, knowledge, and transparency are the makings of an amazing leader and guide. I would have been lost without 90 Day Business Launch. It was just what I needed to turn a long-term dream into a reality!

    -Valencia Gomez, Built to Liberate

  • “A full-time business that I love and dream clients who are paying $10k!”

    I knew I wanted my own business and I knew I NEEDED to get out of my 9-5, but I just didn't know how to make it happen! I had no idea how to start making my business a real thing. 90 Day Business Launch gave me clarity around my business and the knowledge of how to actually get it started. I learned strategies and tactics to start attracting real paying clients. Most importantly from the fabulous support system Michelle provides, I gained the confidence to know that I could do it! THIS. PROGRAM. IS. WORTH. EVERY. PENNY.

    -Kristen Good, Kristen Good Collective

  • "10 months later, my rates have tripled"

    90 Day Business Launch was so much more detailed than anything I’ve ever seen. It was structured, it was customized to me, and the fact that Michelle had done it so much before gave me confidence. I just knew that if I followed the process, I was going to launch – and that’s exactly what happened. In the first year of my business I equaled my old salary. In the first 6 months of this year, I made that same amount! I love my business and the people I work with. There’s no way I’d be where I am without 90 Day Business Launch. No way.

    -Erica Ando, Erica Ando Artist Coaching

What will it feel like to wake up in 90 days and (finally!) be a business owner?

You'll feel proud of the work you're putting into the world, because you can tangibly see it online and know it's how you’re uniquely able to help others.

You'll know how to make time for your business no matter your limitations, since you've spent the last 90 days showing up over and over again.

You’ll have a clear client onboarding process so you know exactly what to do when there’s a knock on your business door.

If you’re a product-based business owner, you’ll have a shop hosted on your own site, all set up for sales and customer info.

You'll know how to answer the dreaded "So, what do you do?" question as it relates to your business, with a clear and concise elevator pitch.

You'll have a simple, authentic and effective marketing plan that is rooted in building relationships, not being all over social media.

You’ll have a professional website that will do the heavy lifting for you and that you can’t wait to share.

You’ll be ready for your first networking group of likeminded creative entrepreneurs (that’s full of my former clients and forever free!), ready to be your clients, collaborators, and friends.

You'll have a bigger belief that you can actually make this work.

You'll (finally!) be out of your head and taking action instead of overthinking.

You can truly see how you can make real money from this, and can start to make a plan around leaving your day job that's based on a real timeline.

You'll (finally!) be working in the business instead of on it.

You'll have tapped into what your heart and gut have been telling you what you need to do for yourself, your future and your freedom - and you'll be listening.





  • Head to to claim your spot! I can’t wait to work with you!

  • If you’re a creative human who has an idea for a service- or product-based business, then 90 Day Business Launch was made for you.


    If you want to work directly with clients - whether as a coach, consultant, teacher, or some form of creative (copywriter, designer, etc.) you’re in the right place!

    If you want to offer your own products that you hand make, order in small batches and/or print on demand, you’re also in the right place!

    If you’re looking to start a brick-and-mortar venture, want to manufacture products, and/or you need traditional business loans, this probably is not for you!

    But if you wanna double-check, book a no-obligation consultation and I’ll be happy to chat with you about it.

  • Absolutely!

    Once you register, you'll get a welcome email along with immediate access to all the 90 Day Business Launch lessons. You’ll be able to join our private Mighty Network group - where you'll have direct access to me and your fellow Launchers - and start working as soon as you’d like!

    The lessons are autonomous and held in a course platform called Kajabi, which allows you to have a unique log-in so you can keep track of where you are in the program.

    You’ll also receive a link to add our biweekly calls to the calendar, and you can jump into the next one without missing a beat.

    For 90 days from your enrollment day, you’ll have access to:

    • the lessons in Kajabi

    • the private Mighty Network community

    • our biweekly hour-long calls

    • the private BIPOC calls and subgroup, if applicable

    • the call recordings

    You’ll also receive the Squarespace template as well as full ownership over it, so that’s yours forever.

    And once your 90 days are up, you’ll be added to my alumni networking group for forever-free access to that separate private community along with our guest workshops and monthly calls.

    Want or need more time together? An additional 30 days of access can be purchased for $339 or 3 monthly payments of $119/month.

  • I don't offer any full or partial refunds at any point before, during or after the program. When you make the commitment to join 90 Day Business Launch, you make the commitment to pay for the entire program whether you're able to do all the work or not. The good news is that your show-up rate tends to skyrocket when you put your time, energy, and money behind your goal...and that the plan, worksheets, and template are something you own forever and can come back to at any time.

  • My payment plans take the full price of your package and divides it into 6 equal monthly, automatic payments. There is only a 5% fee for choosing a payment plan over paying in a lump sum. You can see the details here.

  • We'll meet every Tuesday and Thursday for group calls, but I move the times around between 9am-7pm Eastern each week to better accommodate all time zones (and avoid the dreaded “But I can never do Tuesdays at 3pm!). There's a handy-dandy add-to-calendar link when you're inside so they can get on your calendar in a snap.

    Tuesday will always be our open Q&A calls, where you submit anything business-related that’s on your mind. While I’m there to give my take and thoughts on anything - I’m always the first one to offer my response - your fellow Launchers are also there to chime in, give resources , offer support, etc. This is where the beauty of the hivemind really shines through!

    Each Thursday, you choose either Coworking or Conversation. If it’s the former, you’ll come with whatever work you want to move the needle on and I’ll put you in a breakout room with other working Launchers like you. If it’s the latter, I’ll give you prompts and put you in a few different breakout rooms so you can connect further with your fellow Launchers and get support, insight, and camaraderie. And who knows? In these calls, you might find your next collaborator, or client, or referral, or accountability partner, or mastermind group!

    Then, once a month, there’s a BIPOC-only call with vp wright, a business coach who is Black.This is a safer, inclusive space to talk about any challenges or concerns you’re experiencing as a woman of color that relates to becoming a business owner.

    BIG NOTE: You are not expected to be on every call, so take the pressure off. With the exception of the Thursday calls (where the action happens in breakout rooms that can’t be recorded), everything is recorded and available within a few hours of wrapping up.

  • Mostly me! I’m the only coach here - really! No admins. No junior coaches. None of that.

    I lead every call and am in our private community 3 times/week. That means you shouldn’t ever have to wait more than 48 business hours to get my response to anything you post.

    The only other person you’ll interact with is vp wright, the Business Coach who leads our private BIPOC calls and subgroup.

    Besides us, you’ll have some expert teachers delivering lessons on branding (Verô Souza) and legalization (Michelle Wilson Murphy).

  • In 2021, while some of my current clients struggled to work through their launch list under the weight of the George Floyd trial, the passing of multiple family members, and chronic illness flare-ups - that the 1-way-to-launch-your-dream-business-effectively-and-impactfully that I was touting wasn’t just untrue, but harmful.

    I cleared my calendar the day I realized this and spent time creating Optional lessons - aka “nice-to-haves” for launch that aren’t necessary.

    That means that we can work with whatever bandwidth you can bring to the table. If you can do the Optional lessons in time for your launch, great! If you wanna skip over them and circle back to ‘em later, great!

    This is a big reason why I prioritize making this a “high touch” program, though - so I can meet you where you are and give you whatever you need. Just chime in on our weekly call or our private Mighty Network group with what’s been challenging and where you want to go, and I’ll be there to help you come up with Plan YOU.

  • Absolutely! My free training gets super specific, so grab your fave notetaking tool and sign up right here.

  • I'm committed to an ongoing anti-racist education, and actively creating and changing policies to reflect all I'm learning. You can learn about my teachings, goals and stats right here in my DEI Statement.

    With that, I have a Zero Tolerance policy for hate speech in any group I run. These include - but are not limited to - statements that are racist, sexist, homophobic, or transphobic. Microaggressions, tone policing, name calling, gossip and bullying are also not permitted. If any words or actions are causing or have caused harm in the community, I have the right to review the situation and make a final decision as to how to give reparations, including removal from the group sans refund.

    In addition, private, monthly group coaching calls and a private space within our Mighty Network group will be available for my BIPOC clients during the course of this program - led by vp wright, a Business Coach who is Black. It’s about time that you have a safe and inclusive space to unpack what you’re going through as an aspiring business owner of color, and I’m hoping these spaces will provide just that.

  • Yes! I’ve committed to giving full scholarship spots to 10% of my clientele, and applications open up yearly. If you identify as part of a further marginalized group and would like to apply for a need-based scholarship, you can learn more here.

  • They don’t! I’m really proud that you can come into the program on your timeline, and launch your business 90 days later. No need to wait for a new group to start!

    That said:

    I can’t guarantee that the pricing won’t increase or the bonuses will still be here If you hold off on joining. Those are always subject to change.

    It’s worth noting that I’ve been coaching since 2008, and I’ve never had a client say to me, “Wow! My schedule is wide open and I have zero commitments. It’s the perfect time to do this work!” The real question is whether launching your business is a priority right now, and if you can make some hard decisions in your life as to what you need to say NO or NOT NOW to currently in order to say YES to your 90 Day Business Launch.

  • As of May 2024, my recent Launchers are averaging a 50 day launch. So while it might seem quick, aiming for a 75 day launch and having access to all 90 Day Business Launch lessons, calls and community site for 90 days total gives you a pretty good buffer!


    I am not here to uphold hustle culture and bro marketing and tell you that the only way to have an impactful and effective business launch is to complete everrrrrrrrrything I lay out for you by launch day. We have to take into account what’s happening in our world and in our own backyards, and ensure we care for ourselves along the way. That is why I give you optional lessons to complete for a hustle-free experience. You can decide at any time whether to implement or skip, and I’m always available to support you along the way. My goal is to get you to your entrepreneurial starting point, no matter what that looks like.

    And and:

    If you do need more time, you can add an additional 30 days to your end date for $339 with payment plans available. You can start the additional 30 days right away, or anytime up to 3 months after your initial start date. Hope that helps you breathe easier!

  • Absolutely, depending on your bandwidth! With bite-size, streamlined, simplified and autonomous lessons - some marked OPTIONAL, as they’re nice-to-haves but not needed for your launch - you can make a lot of traction in a little amount of time.

    As I’m writing this, my Launchers have been celebrating their Launch Days around day 50 in the program. But I’ve had some launch as early as 30 days! So it’s absolutely possible…

  • Yes! I have a list of trusted referrals in my front pocket that I don’t keep to myself. You can reach out to them anytime and hire your favorite!

    But also, you’ll have to trust me when I say that you might think you can’t do this yourself…but you haven’t met this process, these lessons, and my personalized feedback yet! I’d say 90% of Launchers have chosen to DIY it - and you wouldn’t know the diffrence!

  • Absolutely! Contact me and let me know about your business idea and preferred start date. I’ll send along a consultation call link so I can lay out the details and we can chat about it further. Please note that a private 90 Day Business Launch costs $5776, and payment plans are available.

    It’s also worth noting that you can absolutely add on 1:1 time during the program for $800 per session. It’s also also worth noting that only a couple of Launchers have taken me up on this since I created this option is 2021. As my former Launcher Brittany says, “While this is a group program and you have the community of peers going through a similar process, Michelle has managed to make it still feel like I get 1-on-1 coaching.” So as long as you show up and ask for what you need along the way, I’d be surprised if you needed anything additional.

  • Absolutely! I could actually call this program 90 Day Business Re-Launch :)

    I often have Launchers who are existing business owners, but know they need to (re)visit what makes up their business foundation - and rebuild their offers, branding, and marketing plan accordingly.

    Some have been at this for a little while without many clients to show for it, while others have been in their business for years and know things need to change. As long as you’re a creative person who feels aligned to this process, structure and support - and your business offers a service - then this is the right place for you.

  • I'm totally challenging that, since I've found that some people who claim they have no ideas really do! Even if you're skeptical, tell me more in my contact form anyway. I'll be honest as to whether 90 Day Business Launch is for you, and refer you to some really great coaches if not.

  • Here’s what I recommend you’ll be paying for:

    • Squarespace for your website platform. You’ll just need the Personal plan, and I have a code for you to save 10%. That would make it about $21/month or $173/year.

    • Your domain. You get a free year of your domain with your Squarespace plan, but subsequent years should cost you about $8-$15/year depending on the hosting service you choose.

    • Your business email. No, I definitely don’t want you to use your or email addresses for your business. For $6/month or $72/year, you can get an email address that ends in and makes you look super professional.

    • Your business address. If you’re utilizing email marketing and/or you incorporate your business, you’ll need an address that’s not your private residence. For $5-$15/month, you can have a virtual mailbox that can be used for business purposes.

    • Your newsletter (optional). If you decide to launch with a newsletter, MailerLite (my suggestion) is free to start, YAY!

    • Filing your LLC, S-Corp or Sole Proprietorship (optional). If you choose to incorporate sooner rather than later, fees vary by state and seem to range from$40-$370. If you choose to have someone file on your behalf (like your accountant), that would be an additional cost.

    There you have it! You only need about an extra $50 on hand to start many of these subscriptions, minus the filings. And if you want to pay these platforms annually, about $500 should do it.

  • This is how I see it: no matter what, you need to pick your stress preference. What feels more stressful: Working for someone else, having to abide to their rules and schedule and whatever they ask of you while probably not feeling super authentic or connected to what you do but having access to a steady paycheck and benefits...or being able to work when you want with who you want on what you want but have 100% ownership on where your next check comes from? If it's the latter, you can absolutely be a successful entrepreneur.

  • Certainly not! 90 Day Business Launch is different because it's customized to you and your business, but any other knowledge you have about marketing or running your business is yours to use and will put you ahead of the game.

  • Absolutely! I'd be happy to chat to see if 90 Day Business Launch is right for you, and answer any questions you have. Book it right here and know there’s zero obligation attached.

  • Possibly. And then you're gonna feel and support and pride that it's not even gonna matter! One of my most recent Launchers emailed me midway through her Launch Day with this all-caps message: “IT FEELS LIKE MY BIRTHDAY!” That can absolutely be you, too!

  • "If you have a passion, but no structure to it, THIS IS YOUR PROGRAM. "

    Launching a business has been similar to my experience with pregnancy and motherhood. There's so much prep work (pregnancy) that goes into being a mother... but then you have your baby and the doc is like, okay, time to go home! And you freak out. Well Michelle served as my prenatal yoga instructor, prenatal doula and now also my postpartum doula, nurse, confidant, and lactation consultant! In the launch of my business she has been AMAZING. I'm leaving feeling so organized, empowered and would recommend this program to anyone who was in the same spot. The "90 day" timeframe also allowed me to stay focused and finish what it is I started, rather than just putting it off time and time again.

    -Serena Tillman, Theikos Health

  • “Everything I knew I needed in one program”

    90 Day Business Launch helped me build my business from a strong foundation. The lessons were incredibly detailed and really broke down the process into digestible steps. This helped me take the next right steps without feeling overwhelmed. Michelle is kind, knowledgeable, supportive, assertive, patient, and understanding. She helped me see that what I have to say IS actually important and that someone out there needs my message. I’m so proud of myself for what it was able to accomplish in 90 Day Business Launch because I know I never would have gotten this far on my own (I know because I’ve tried several times over the past 6 years!). I’m beyond grateful for the support, community, and the lessons I’ve learned.

    -Danielle Facchine, The Single Life Revolution

  • "This is the first business program where I felt seen, known, and valued"

    I had tried many other programs to get me on the path to a business that makes money, but I felt lost and didn’t make progress. Enter 90 Day Business Launch. The methodology and framework gave me clarity on my audience, offerings, and how I wanted to show up and be in service. Michelle’s feedback and guidance is unrivaled. The statement of inclusion and the system that’s in place for harm gave me comfort to be myself and know that if I were harmed I would be heard. The highlight has been developing a polished, professional website that I would be proud to send people to and an offering that I can now launch and market. I am confident in my business direction and know that I will start to bring in clients and create more programs.

    -Dr. Abigail Joseph, The Innovation Doctor

  • “8 clients & a booked speaking gig within 2 weeks of launching”

    Because of 90 Day Busieess Launch, every cell in my body felt incredibly confident, excited, and PREPARED! And now I even have the program on a waitlist. Michelle had unwavering faith in me, and provided positive but realistic hope and expectations. She is someone that I want in my "circle" for many years to come!

    -Angela Kadin, Angela Kadin

  • "Went straight to having a clear, real business of my own"

    With 90 Day Business Launch, I got to skip over the “learning it all the hard way on my own” phase. Michelle gave my business personal, detailed attention. I felt like I had a business partner to keep the momentum moving and to lay out a roadmap to make it all happen. She zeroed in on the key elements that made it cohesive, clear, and manageable for a launch. She was decisive when I couldn’t be.

    -Carole Ann Penney, Penney Leadership

  • “A fantastic guide and brilliant facilitator”

    I worked with Michelle years ago, and we had such a blast, and I derived so much clarity from our time together, that it was a no-brainer to work again with her to bring this new business to life! A Little Awareness would not be the living, breathing paradise it is without 90 Day Business Launch. Michelle will steer you in the right way. Trust yourself and trust her.

    -Suset Laboy-Perez, A Little Awareness

Your Future Self is hoping you're finally at the point where you'll really listen to the quiet voice in the back of your mind (or your heart) that's telling you to make your business dreams a reality *today*.

Join us for $350/month for 6 months or a lump sum of $1996.

Want a consultation call first? You can make that happen here.








Want a consultation call first? You can make that happen here.