Would 1:1 support make all the difference for your biz (& life!) this year?

Feeling like your business isn’t aligned with your values, goals, and/or priorities?

Having trouble getting your business mojo running?

Feeling uninspired, murky, or unsure on how - and what! - to move forward?

Looking at a pile of ideas and tasks that are overwhelming at best and paralyzing at worst?

Need help bringing an offer, system, or plan to life?

Don’t know where to start to make your business more inclusive?

Know that things aren’t working well for you and/or your clientele?

Or maybe you don’t have a business yet at all…but you have a drive to be an entrepreneur and a (long) list of ideas that you can’t seem to make heads or tails of yourself?

Then it’s your lucky day - because 1:1 coaching is OPEN!

Choose to work with Michelle Ward, founder of Hello Business, and/or vp wright, a business coach, creative mentor & DEI educator. 

Yup, you can do all your sessions with just 1 of us or mix it up! And if you're unsure who to work with, keep reading!

Whatever you need to work on - get unstuck with us!

Michelle’s Wheelhouse

⭐ Crafting compelling messaging like website copy, elevator pitches, and more.

⭐ Creating, tweaking, and solidifying aligned offers.

⭐ Sustainable pricing strategies.

⭐ Clarifying the marketing plan that works for you *and* your audience. 

⭐ Prioritizing and refining your biz ideas.

⭐ Updating your website to resonate with your ideal clientele - and makes you proud.

Discovering your business idea and getting it up and running.

vp’s Strengths

💪🏿 Anti-racism strategies for your business (DEI).

💪🏿 Community development and engagement.

💪🏿 High-level marketing tactics.

💪🏿 Content creation that resonates.

💪🏿 Crafting efficient systems for seamless operations.

💪🏿 Ideating impactful programs.

💪🏿 Cultivating a positive money mindset for your business and your life.

💪🏿 Mind mapping that works with your visual learning style instead of against it

  • Michelle Ward (she/her)

    Michelle Ward (she/her) is a business coachsultant (yup, she made up that term and is sticking with it) and CEO of Hello Business.

    Since 2008, she’s guided her clients to discover, launch, and grow their dream businesses. You may have seen or heard her in New York Magazine, NY Post, The Huffington Post, Etsy, Newsweek, Freelancers Union, USA Today, Forbes, CreativeLive, Joyful Marketing, Real Talk Radio, Profit. Power. Pursuit., The Tiffany Han Show or hundreds of other media outlets.

    When she’s not coaching, teaching or speaking, she can be found performing in musicals, watching her daughter play ice hockey, or sitcom-binging with her husband.

  • vp wright (she/they)

    Often called a renaissance woman by their friends, vp wright is a mother of two, author, serial creative entrepreneur, diversity, equity, and inclusion expert, anti-racism educator and certified life coach for creative entrepreneurs based out of Houston, Texas

    Since launching their business, vee has worked with hundreds of entrepreneurs through 1:1, group, ecourses, and training containers, published two workbooks, “inclusive strategies for your coaching business” and “instagram® for creatives.”

    vp has been featured in multiple publications for their work, including npr, msnbc, nowthis politics, yahoo finance, american express, and voyagehouston.

What you’ll get:

  • Six 45-minute, 1:1 sessions to use within six months of purchase - or 12 45-minute, 1:1 sessions to use within twelve months of purchase. Space ‘em out however it works best for you!

  • Work with Michelle and/or vp. That’s right - you can choose to work with just 1 of us for all of your sessions or mix it up!

  • Client portal includes call recording, resources, agenda and notes - and you’ll have forever-access.

  • Access to the private Hello Business networking group & monthly networking call - forever! Find the support - and network! - you’ve been seeking in this kind-hearted group of likeminded entrepreneurs. You’ll have free access even after your 1:1 time comes to an end!

$2495 in a lump sum or $437/mo for 6 mo

$4549 in a lump sum or $399/mo for 12 mo

Customized to your business goals & challenges

Michelle & vee have over 20 years of combined coaching experience, and their eyes, brains & hearts can be on your business.

Here’s what just a few of their clients have said they’ve gained - in their own words:

  • “A kick in the pants to get things done: opt ins built and up, newsletters sent, pitches sent, monthly planning and reviewing”

  • Confidence in my ability to ACTUALLY DO THIS.”

  • “A website that looks professional and communicates to my audience the RIGHT way.”

  • “Direction on where to go next with my business.”

  • “Guidance on how to get the necessary stuff done.”

  • “Creating the structure needed to succeed – instead of furiously running on the hamster wheel.”

  • “I’ve started getting clients and making real money!”

  • “I quit my job and signed my first big client!”

  • “Such a good business foundation, so that no matter what challenges I face, I know that I’m on solid footing.”

  • Plans for both short-term and long-term growth that will allow me to design the life I want to be living."

And you can be next!


So wait, I can work with Michelle OR vp?

You can actually work with Michelle AND/OR vp! Yup - you can choose just 1 to do all your sessions with, or you can split the sessions up between the 2 coaches.

What’s your refund & cancellation policy?

Due to the nature of this work, there will be no refunds given - either partially or in full - at any time. Even if you choose not to participate or don't use your sessions in the time allowed, the full package total is owed. Please note that sessions can be rescheduled if at least 24 hour notice is given.

But how do I know which coach is best for me?

It all depends on your goals. Take a minute to think of what you’d want to accomplish with your sessions, and then peruse our bios + skillsets above. It’ll probably be more clear which is the right choice for you - to work with just vp, just Michelle, or a mix of both!

I’m not sure if this is right for me right now. When does this close?

Whenever our books are full! Unfortunately we don’t have a precise answer for now…but while we’re always coaching, our pricing & availability does change along the way.

OK…but I still don’t know who to work with. Help!

No problem! As soon as you purchase your package, you’ll have access to an intake form. Fill it out + submit and we’ll be in touch with our suggestion of who to book your (first) session(s) with.

Can we chat first?

Absolutely! Sign up for a no-obligation consultation with Michelle right here.

I have another question…?

No problem! Contact Michelle and she’ll get back to you within 24 business hours.


Are you ready for…

  • Six 45-minute, 1:1 sessions to use within six months - or 12 sessions to use within twelve months?

  • Continuous clarity, accountability, and energy?

  • A power coaching duo?

  • A never-expiring client portal?

  • A forever-free networking group of likeminded entrepreneurs?

$437/mo for 6 months or 1 payment of $2495

$399/mo for 12 months or 1 payment of $4549