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Making Friends With Your Money

You’re not terrible at money.

“You don’t know me, Brittany!” you might be saying. And yeah, maybe Brittany doesn’t know you personally, but she does know you’re not terrible at money. You just haven’t figured out YOUR best practices yet.

We’re surrounded by a lot of messaging around the ‘secret’ to financial success, but the truth is, there isn’t one secret. There are lots of ways that can work, and in all those possibilities, there are ways that will work better for you, and there are ways that you’ll find hard. And figuring out which of those ways will work for you doesn’t have to be tricky.

This workshop is designed to help you understand what makes up your behavior with money and give you a framework to start moving toward your money goals.

Money doesn’t have to be stressful. You CAN grow your capacity for generating and keeping money, confidently and calmly, even if you’re ‘not a numbers person’.

This is for you if:

  • You’re maxing out in your capacity, but maxing out isn’t as financially comfortable as you thought it would be

  • Your personal cashflow ends up having to shift when you have unexpected dips in your business, and vice versa

  • You’re on a financial rollercoaster in your business and you want off the ride

  • You’re making things work, but making things work feels exhausting and joyless

  • You’re not sure how your money is going to support you as you age, or the legacy you want to create

In this workshop you will learn:

  • Why money feels so hard

  • Why you don’t need to figure out your mindset before you start working towards your goals

  • What to do instead

Join Show Up Squad member Brittany Tam for this free virtual workshop!

June 12

Winning Wednesdays

June 13

Coworking or Conversation (your choice!)