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Easy UX Website Fixes to Help Your Potential Customers Feel Happy and Confident (member-led)

Your website might be the only way people interact with you. That's why it's so important to make your website approachable, accessible, and intuitive. 

In this webinar Show Up Squad member Megan Eckman will share some of her top UX tips that are easy to implement, but will make your potential customers feel happy, seen, and confident about clicking your Call to Action button. We'll discuss design aspects, the 5-second test, and how to reduce cognitive load so your potential customer has energy to make the decision to work with you (think of getting to the end of a LONG day and then being asked to take a math test - um, pass).

She’s a freelance business consultant and UX/UI designer who loves making websites convey my clients' in-person awesomeness. 

She’ll chat for 30-40 minutes, walking through some top tips, and then we'll have time for questions. I'll also happily look over anyone's site if they'd like a quick review.

June 22

Big Gay Cabaret

June 24

Monday Planning Party